Will My Family Know If I Search for Rehab Centers Near Me?
Drug or alcohol addiction affects millions of men and women of different age, ethnicity, and social class across the US. By extension, their families and loved ones are also affected. In their effort to help, thousands of families search online daily for information about substance abuse and available treatment options. They may even plead with the addicted family member to seek treatment.
A person may be reluctant to check into rehab for various reasons. Once they are mentally ready to quit substance abuse, they may begin searching online for “rehab centers near me.” The search may be done discretely to avoid involving or “burdening” their family.
However, the participation of family and friends during treatment has proven to increase the chance of recovery and sustained sobriety. Family and loved ones can provide additional strength and encouragement during this time and continue to be a part of your supportive network after rehab. The effectiveness of family involvement led the National Drug Abuse Institute and US Department of Health and Human Services to recommend family therapy be a part of any addiction treatment program.
What You Need to Know About Addiction
Substance abuse disorder, commonly called addiction, is the habit of abusing drugs or alcohol without control. The habit is compulsive and may cause users to lie, cheat, or steal to get the substance.
People become addicted to prescription drugs, such as opioids, stimulants, and depressants. Addiction also stems from the use and abuse of illicit street drugs, especially heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines.
The more a person uses drugs or alcohol, the more they seek it, and in larger amounts. Tolerance level builds when it takes more of the substance to create the same euphoria a user seeks. The individual may know he or she is addicted but may not have the willpower to quit on their own. The reason for this is addiction is a disease of the brain which needs to be systematically treated like any other disease.
Things to Consider When Searching for Rehab Centers Near Me
There are various types of treatment centers in almost every state across the US that help adults 18 years and older. They may provide programs and services to treat either alcohol or drug addiction or both. Various types of treatment plans may be offered to treat specific types of drug addiction. For example, a center may focus on heroin recovery alone while another may service clients who are addicted to heroin or other kinds of drugs.
Choosing a center near you will allow you to stay close to family and friends. If treatment is done outpatient, you will be able to work, attend school, or care for family members while undergoing treatment. Here are some important things to consider when deciding on a treatment center:
• How close to your home the center is
• The age range of clients accepted
• How long treatment will last
• Will treatment be done inpatient or outpatient
• What programs and services are provided
• Whether the center offers medically-assisted detox and psychotherapy
• The reputation of the rehab
• Cost of treatment and payment plans
• Whether family therapy is incorporated into the treatment plan
• Will life skills and job preparation form part of treatment
• Post-recovery support
How to Tell Loved Ones You Are Planning to Go to Rehab
It is important to have a family discussion before checking into rehab to help family members understand your decision and ways to cope. Choose a calm environment and be honest and open about how you feel while listening to what each member has to say.
Now may be a good time to apologize for your behavior while showing strength and courage to beat addiction. Empathy and encouragement from loved ones can positively impact your attitude towards treatment and increase your chance for recovery and long-term sobriety.
Getting Help from a Rehab Center Near Me
Living in South Florida can make it easy to find a rehab center near you. The center may provide inpatient or outpatient treatment programs for drug or alcohol abuse. Regardless of the program approach, the main goal of rehab centers is to provide a safe, drug-free, and supportive environment where you can undergo detox and then transition to psychological therapy.
Inpatient or Residential Rehab: Chronic addiction may be better treated in-house at a residential center. This is essentially a one-stop rehab where a client can undergo medically-assisted detox followed by psychotherapy all at the same location. Treatment can last anywhere from 28 days to a year. It all depends on the severity of the addiction and co-occurring mental health issues or life problems linked to addiction that need to be addressed.
Recovery inpatient is done in a safe environment with round-the-clock service by a professional staff. Medical professionals at an inpatient center will supervise the detox process and help you manage severe withdrawal symptoms.
Counselors, psychiatrists, or therapists are also on board to offer emotional and psychological support when needed. After your body is free of the drug or alcohol and you no longer crave these substances, you will be transitioned into post-detox psychotherapy care.
During psychotherapy, which usually involves Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), multi-dimensional family therapy, and holistic therapy, you will be equipped with coping skills to prevent relapse. Family members will get an opportunity to understand how addiction affected you and the entire family. Family and friends will also form part of your supportive network of people who are expected to motivate and encourage you to stay sober.
Outpatient Rehab: Outpatient is more suitable for persons with mild to moderate addiction. If outpatient treatment is best for you based on your circumstances, you can expect to be treated with the same level of professionalism. Outpatient centers offer similar services. The main difference is you will undergo detox without being required to live in.
Following medically-assisted detox either at the same outpatient rehab or an independent detox clinic, you will begin psychotherapy. You will be required to meet with your doctor and therapist for a set number of hours per week. You may be given medication as treatment for mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
At the end of the sessions, you can go home and return as scheduled. Outpatient centers usually offer 24-hour phone support and refer clients to supplemental addiction recovery programs such as Alcohol Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).
By now, you may have realized that your family and friends can play a critical role in helping you get sober and remain drug or alcohol-free. After discussing your plans to seek treatment with them, the next step is to call the treatment center near you to begin the admission process. Call us at 866-754-9113.