What Options Are There to Pay for Rehab If Your Insurance Doesn’t Cover It?
It’s alarming to think there are addicts out on the streets who want help, but can’t see their way to seek help because of finances. That’s a horrible reason for anyone to avoid treatment. Is money a viable concern? Addiction treatment is generally not given for free. In some places, it can be a little expensive. Still, one’s life should be infinitely more valuable than any amount of money.
The title of this article addresses ways to finance treatment if your healthcare insurance policy doesn’t cover it. Before we can broach the subject at hand, we must clarify some information about insurance coverage.
If you don’t have healthcare insurance coverage privately or through an employer, you concerns would be valid. Indeed, your ability to pay for treatment would be predicated on your ability to find financial resources. The information we will provide below will help address those concerns. If you do have healthcare insurance coverage, you might not be aware of some interesting facts.
In 2009, then President Barack Obama signed a bill called the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The bill was intended to change how the insurance industry operated, along with requiring that all US citizens carry some form of healthcare insurance coverage. What most people don’t realize was the bill actually addresses addiction treatment.
According to provisions in the ACA, healthcare insurance carriers are required to cover addiction treatment costs the same as they would any other illness. That’s correct! Much like the medical profession, the ACA has determined than addiction is a disease that can only be cured with some form of treatment. Translated, if you have a healthcare insurance policy, you are entitled to reimbursement for a least a portion of the costs related to treatment for your addiction.
With that said, their is a caveat in the law. The ACA does not dictate the extent of the costs the insurance company has to cover. In fact, the insurance companies have a little room to wiggle on the extent of coverage. By the way, here’s a partial list of the treatment costs that must be covered, regardless of extent:
- Detox programs
- Individual and group therapy sessions
- Inpatient, outpatient and intensive outpatient costs
- Treatment medications
- Case or care management
- Aftercare costs related to Half-way houses
If you are unsure about the extent of addiction treatment coverage your insurance company will provide, you need to contact your agent immediately. If you would like assistance finding this information, most rehabs have an administrator who will help you get the answers you need.
Addiction Treatment Options Beyond Insurance
Even if you have healthcare insurance coverage, a portion of your treatment costs may fall on you. If you have no insurance, the responsibility for paying your addiction treatment costs will fall squarely on your shoulders. Before you settle on a treatment plan, there are a few things you can do to keep the costs down. The most obvious option would be to go through outpatient care as opposed to enduring the high cost of inpatient care. The biggest issue with this option would be the extent of your addiction might demand you go through inpatient care. It’s a fine line to walk, but your overall health should always be your first concern.
At this point, you are surely wondering what resources you might have to help pay for your addiction treatment program. There are quite a few options available. They include:
- Tapping into your 401K savings
- Scholarships
- Personal loans and credit cards
- Payment plan with the rehab facility
Let’s take an in-depth look at these options.
Tapping Into Your 401K Savings
If you have a 401K account through your employer, you have been saving for your retirement. You also have a viable asset for emergencies. Taking the approach nothing is more valuable than your life, you must be willing to use whatever assets you have to pay for treatment. If you are concerned about affecting your retirement, consider this: you might not reach retirement if you can’t get past your addiction. That might sound harsh, but it is truthful.
There are provisions in the IRS’ 401K guidelines that let you pull out money, penalty free, to cover needed medical costs. You just need to provide the proper paperwork to your plan administrator, who should be able to help you arrange a withdrawal from your account.
You would be amazed at how generous the addiction treatment community can be. You have to remember that wealthy people also have problems with drugs and alcohol. It’s not unheard of for a grateful recovery addict to reach out and help future patients. They can facilitate this by setting up endowments or scholarships that can be used at the rehab facility’s discretion. Before entering rehab, there’s no harm in asking if you might qualify for a scholarship.
Personal Loans and Credit Cards
Incurring debt is never a good thing, especially for someone who is dealing with significant personal issues and needs to avoid stress. With that said, incurring debt is still a far better option than letting an addiction destroy your life. In time, you can solve the debt issue by earning a little extra money and making aggressive payments. You may get only one chance at a lasting recovery.
Payment Plan With the Rehab Facility
Addiction treatment centers are in the business of helping people. As such, the facility’s people have compassion and understand the importance of treatment. As long as your credit profile is reasonable, there’s a decent chance the rehab facility will let you make payments to cover your treatment.
Above all else, you need to put your health above financial concerns. For more information about treatment payment options, you can call us at 866-754-9113. We will do everything in our power to help you find the best solution.